
WHO takes initiative to fight corruption tainted medicine production-supply chain

The WHO has estimated that about 10%- 25% of the funds allocated for the disbursement of medicines to the public by the governments globally gets misused or lost

The WHO in a shocking revelation pointed out that although very difficult to disseminate actual figures it has been estimated roughly that about 10%- 25% of the funds allocated for the disbursement of medicines to the public by the governments globally gets misused or lost because of fraudulent practices, bribery and diversion of pharmaceuticals. In a rough estimate it has been assessed that governments spent about US$50 billion (€39 billion) on medicines every year.Now WHO wants to ensure that all money earmarked by the governments for health sector gets used to fight disease.

Officers from WHO explain that money is often lost because of bribery rampant among government officials ,thefts and embezzlement at various levels, and because of supply and distribution of spurious and sub standard medicines. WHO is now in the process of creating new legislation that will encourage people to act ethically.

Poor countries will be the first to benefit from the WHO’s ‘clean ship’ efforts since they are the most vulnerable ones who get trapped in the web of corruption.

