
Explosion Of Rat Population Poses Health Threat In UK

The rat population has shown a 39 % increase since 1999 leaving the UK health department worried.

The rat population has shown a 39 % increase since 1999 leaving the UK health department worried.

Fortnightly garbage collections, compulsory recycling policy and composting bins are said to be the cause of the increasing brown rat population.

John Davison of the National Pest Technicians Association (NPTA) said: ''It's a grave problem.' 'The way this is growing it is going to give rise to some kind of public health risk.'

The research was ordered by the NPTA and the report found litter, bird feeders, compost bins and neglected urban property to be responsible for the rise.

The National Rodent Survey -United Kingdom, looked into records from over 30 local councils and concluded that the need to recycle was the major factor. Refuse collecting containers given to residents weren`t big enough or not designed to keep rats and mice away, the survey said.

A spokesman for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said, the rodent population could be kept at bay by keeping bins covered and clean.

