Many women across the world have breast implants done for augmentation purposes or for firming up.
Many women across the world have breast implants done for augmentation purposes or for firming up. To guide them in the right direction, eminent plastic surgeons have united to offer services in this field.
The service called the ‘mybreast package’ comes at an economical rate compared to the so called cheaper clinics. They also promise a follow up for entire life. The doctors involved are all a highly creditable force from the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. If any mishap occurs at any stage, appropriate surgical revision will be provided without any additional cost.Some of the other salient features include – one surgeon per one woman which implies that the surgeon assigned would be responsible from the first visit to post-op follow ups too. This creates a perfect understanding of the case which leads to the satisfaction of the customer.
According to Ivan Foo, plastic surgeon of mybreast, women who utilize their services are at safe and qualified hands. The cost of the services amounts to £ 4250 which is much cheaper than the other clinics.