
Children Receiving MMR Vaccine Still Below Target

In Scotland, number of children receiving MMR vaccine is improving but is still below the target.

In Scotland, number of children receiving MMR vaccine is improving but is still below the target. According to the statistics, 92.1% of two year olds are vaccinated in 2006 as against 89.9% of the same age group in 2005. As per health experts, 95% should be vaccinated to prevent the general public from measles, mumps and rubella.

Though the ministers lauded the ascending trend in vaccination, the Scottish Conservatives urged the NHS to offer a single vaccine. Currently parents who are desirous about their children getting individual jabs should pay to get this done privately.

Dr Nanette Milne, spokeswoman from Conservative health stated that the target of 95% is difficult to achieve because many parents are refusing to have their children vaccinated with MMR. There are also parents who are not keen to vaccinate at all. Presently, those who can afford the individual vaccine alone are getting their children vaccinated. But this must be extended to every child and the single vaccine must be available in NHS too.

The vaccine for MMR was introduced in 1988. But there was a significant drop in children getting these vaccinations due to a controversial study which linked MMR vaccine to autism. But such theories were reported to have no scientific basis. However, the situation is improving now thanks to the measures taken by the health professionals and parents. Dr Nanette Milne also added that they will work with NHS to make sure that the target of 95% is reached soon.

