Lem Billings was a close friend of Late US president John F. Kennedy and was infatuated with him but never took it further claims a book
New York-"Jack & Lem" is a book written by David Pitts. Larry Quirk was a lover of Billings, who was a closet gay.
Quirk told author David Pitts: “Lem Billings was a close friend of Late US president John F. Kennedy and was infatuated with him but never took it further.”"There was a sexual element to his attraction to Kennedy. Billings loved Kennedy all his life beginning in the 1930s... Billings was the only person who loved Kennedy unconditionally, who didn't want anything from him except to be with him, and he recognised that."
Billings was even offered a job in the administration by Kennedy but he turned it down maybe out of fear that he might be found out and cause JFK problems.