Electromagnetic fields may not pose a risk of cancer; a Danish study conducted amongst 28,000 workers in 99 utility companies has shown.
Electromagnetic fields may not pose a risk of cancer; a Danish study conducted amongst 28,000 workers in 99 utility companies has shown.
Danish medical records were analyzed to monitor fresh cases of leukemia, breast cancer, or brain cancer among the utility workers for 23years. This was done to ascertain the levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and its effects.The researchers did not find any substantial evidence linking exposure to electro magnetic firelds and cancer. The study found that most people did not go on to develop Leukemia, brain cancer, or breast cancer during the study period.
In the 70 people who did develop leukemia, the 188 who suffered breast cancer, and the 110 men who suffered brain cancer, it was not due to the exposure to electromagnetic fields.
"The results do not support the hypothesis of an association between occupational exposure to magnetic fields in the electric utility industry and risks for leukemia, brain cancer, and breast cancer," researchers concluded.
The findings are published in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.