The questions range from providing understandable information, washing or cleaning hands between touching patients
This high degree of trust and confidence in doctors reflects the reality in the NHS. It is gratifying that this survey reflects the immense efforts from doctors to improve the quality and experience of care for their patients despite the financial pressures placed upon the health service.
In virtually all of the questions patients were asked in this survey, the majority of respondents have answered that doctors are providing high standards of care.The questions range from providing understandable information, washing or cleaning hands between touching patients to answering patients’ and their families’ worries and fears and improving accessibility. They also reflect the improvements of the whole healthcare team, so often led by doctors.
We need to build on these results. Consultants always wish to achieve more for their patients, but the truth is innovative and progressive practices are often held back by the overwhelming focus on finance.
Consultants, and healthcare workers in general, working together with patients can and do show the way forward, it is the political meddling that gets in the way, diverts attention and leads to so much of the waste.”