
How Safe is Air Travel For Heart Patients

Is it safe for people with heart disease to travel by air? For the study researchers examined the pertinent medical evidence on issues involving

Is it safe for people with heart disease to travel by air? For the study researchers examined the pertinent medical evidence on issues involving air travel for heart patients -- such as the effects of air travel and security devices on implantable automatic defibrillators and pacemakers, the need for preflight screening, and the potential for in-flight deep vein thrombosis, a dangerous blood clot that can arise in the leg when air travelers sit for too long.

Based on their findings researchers conclude that heart patient can safely travel by air if he takes certain precautions, such as:

  • Asking for an aisle seat to make it easier for him to get up during the flight
  • Walking frequently through the cabin to keep blood flowing to his extremities
  • Wearing below-the-knee compression stockings to prevent deep vein thrombosis
  • Avoiding alcohol and drinking lots of other fluids to remain well hydrated

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