
HIV Screening May Increase Patient Life Span

Results of a recent study shows up to 20,000 new HIV infections each year can be attributed to people who are unaware of their HIV-positive status.

Results of a recent study shows up to 20,000 new HIV infections each year can be attributed to people who are unaware of their HIV-positive status. Early identification of HIV is critical. Without treatment, a delay in diagnosis may result in irreversible damage.

Two new studies show screening for human immunodeficiency virus is affordable and can prolong life for many patients. Researchers reported expanded HIV screening may increase patient life span, prevent the spread of the disease, and is cost-effective. They reached this conclusion after developing a mathematical model to predict the costs and benefits of HIV counseling, testing, and referral. Voluntary HIV screening every three to five years was found to be cost effective.

Researchers also developed a computer model to estimate the health benefits and costs of performing voluntary HIV screenings in health care settings and they found that screening for HIV infection is cost effective.
