Parliamentary Groups on cancer have proposed that cancer patients should be given a set of legally-binding entitlements with regard to their care.
Parliamentary Groups on cancer have proposed that cancer patients should be given a set of legally-binding entitlements with regard to their care.
National standards in the cancer services would help to avoid inequality. And these standards could be enforced by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice).Some of the aspects of cancer services that would be standardized should include home care, appraisal of new advancements in cancer treatment, supply of drugs, person to contact for care and financial advice.
The group was chaired by Labour MP, Dr Ian Gibson, who pronounced that improvements were made in cancer care owing to the increase in investment over the past years and the hard work of the dedicated NHS staff. He declared that patient entitlements must be made at the center of their care.
Chief executive of Macmillan Cancer Relief, Peter Cardy, has termed the All Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer's Vision as an important contribution to the future of cancer services."