The physical abuse of women has been showcased in an art installation in Buenos Aires.
The physical abuse of women has been showcased in an art installation in Buenos Aires. The exhibit comes ahead of a date set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness of the problem. Sunday marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women designated by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1999.
The UN each year invites governments, international organizations and NGOs to organize activities designed to encourage the public to fight such wrongdoing.
The Argentine capital displayed 14 works of art, some created by female sex abuse victims, meant to be graphic reminders about the date.
One work showed a female mannequin plastered with newspaper clippings about attacks on women. Another displayed a mannequin covered with bruises and anti-female epithets.
The November 25 date was chosen following the brutal assassination in 1960 of three sisters, all political activists in the Dominican Republic, on the orders of then-strongman Rafael Trujillo.