A lack of variety in fecal bacteria could lead to the domination of high levels of gut microbes which are good at turning carbohydrates into fat.

‘Visceral fat is stored in the stomach area around important organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines and is linked with higher risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.’

What is contained in feces bacteria could therefore partly explain why obesity passes down through families. 

The research team extracted information from study participants about the human fecal microbiome - the bacteria present in feces samples - and compared these to six different measures of obesity, including body mass index (BMI) and different types of body fat.
The researchers found the strongest links with visceral fat, where participants with a high diversity of bacteria in their feces had lower levels of visceral fat.
This type of body fat is bad because it is stored in the stomach area around important organs such as the liver, pancreas and intestines and is linked with higher risks of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Dr Michelle Beaumont, lead study author from the department of twin research and genetic epidemiology at King's College London, said although the study showed a clear link, it was not yet possible to explain why it existed.
Dr Beaumont said: "As this was an observational study we cannot say precisely how communities of bacteria in the gut might influence the storage of fat in the body, or whether a different mechanism is involved in weight gain."
Dr Beaumont said that eating a broad diet including a variety of different types of food - much like that of the early hunter-gatherers - could increase the diversity of microbes in our feces.
If the theory that microbes are passed on down the generations is correct, she said they may play an important role in how fat develops around the body and the health risk it presents.