
Vitamin D, calcium don’t prevent fractures in elderly

Elderly people, who are at a high risk of having fractures, are often routinely prescribed vitamin D and supplemental calcium as a preventive measure. Recent study had brought to light the fact that this may not be true. Calcium and vitamin D may not be successful in preventing fractures in the elderly people.

The study had looked into 5292 people of aged 70 years and older. All these people were mobile before they had a low trauma fracture. These people were treated with 800 IU daily of oral vitamin D3, 1000 mg of daily calcium, oral vitamin D3 of 800 IU combined with calcium 1000 mg daily or placebo.

The results of the trial showed that the incidence of new low trauma fractures did not differ significantly between those who had calcium and those who didn’t. There was also no significant difference between those who had vitamin D and those who didn’t. The same result was obtained from the comparison between the groups which had both and the ones who had placebo.

The results showed that there was not much improvement in the condition of the geriatric population from administration of the supplementary calcium or vitamin D in prevention of fractures.
