
Vitamin E, the latest warrior against diabetes

Scientists are assessing research that suggests high doses of vitamin E may help fight diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in

Scientists are assessing research that suggests high doses of vitamin E may help fight diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world with many ravaging complications, affecting millions of people. Complications can lead to heart disease, eye damage, kidney failure, non healing ulcers all over the body and can also cause complications of the nervous system.

Diabetes is caused by the deficiency of hormone insulin, secreted by the pancreas and that is essential for converting sugar, starches and other foods into energy for cells. Lacking insulin, sugars build up in the blood rather than entering cells to fuel them. The result is that the body's cells literally can starve to death, causing the complications.

In what can come as welcome news to millions of diabetics around the world. Vitamin E, according to the researchers protects the body against diabetes by acting on the free radicals produced in the body which cause the complications of the disease. Diabetics have an abnormally high levels of free radicals in the body due to the high levels of glucose in the blood.

Also researchers showed that vitamin E curtailed the inflammation in blood vessels of diabetics. Dr. Sridevi Devaraj, Asst. Prof. of Pathology at the University of Texas, South Western Medical Centre in Dallas, a lead researcher in the study says the results are very encouraging.

Though diabetes dose not have an established cure as yet, the emphasis is on controling the disease so as to lessen the chances of developing complications of the spreaded disease. Vitamin E appears to be the latest warrior against the disease. Only time can say how successful this warrior is, in his mission.











