
Voluntary Recall for ChiTree Apricot Kernels After Detection of High Cyanide Levels

by Kathy Jones on Oct 31 2011 8:31 PM

Health authorities in New South Wales, Australia, have warned the public not to eat a specific brand of apricot after it was found to contain high levels of cyanide.

 Voluntary Recall for ChiTree Apricot Kernels After Detection of High Cyanide Levels
Health authorities in New South Wales, Australia, have warned the public not to eat a specific brand of apricot after it was found to contain high levels of cyanide.
The NSW Food Authority issued the warning against consuming ChiTree apricot kernels which is distributed by a Victoria-based company.

The company has now initiated a voluntary recall of the apricot kernels that have been sold in 1 kilogram bags.

Commenting on the recall, NSW Food Authority's chief executive officer Alan Coutts said, “Our primary concern is the sale of the product to the public as it is unsafe to eat the whole raw kernel. At the level of hydrocyanic acid detected in this product only a small number of apricot kernels would need to be consumed to reach potentially unsafe levels according to published toxicity data.”

