Walmex, the popular retailer in Mexico has opened the channels to make available a line of 150 inexpensive generic drugs costing as less as $3.50.
Walmex, the popular retailer in Mexico has opened the channels to make available a line of 150 inexpensive generic drugs costing as less as $3.50. This move has elevated the position of the shopping conglomerate as a great way to avail facilities under one roof.
Last year, Walmex's parent company, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. led the way with a similar move of providing generic drugs for $4 per prescription.According to the statement released by the parent company, U.S. Wal-Mart, the $4 prescriptions make up for 35% of all prescriptions written at the Wal-Mart stores
The low-priced drugs could be anything from pain relievers, paracetamol medicines to stronger medicines for conditions like migraine.
Few of the drugs manufactured by different laboratories will be 90% cheaper than the cost of popular over-the-counter drugs.
Walmex will be buying the drugs from labs such as Canifarma that caters to more than 150 pharmaceutical companies.