A new study reveals that walking for at least three hours a week may cut down the risk of strokes in women by 43 percent.
A new study published in the journal Nature reveals that walking for at least three hours a week may cut down the risk of strokes in women by 43 percent. The study was conducted by researchers at Murcia Regional Health Authority in Spain who observed more than 33,000 men and women between 29 and 69 years of age.
The researchers recorded the level of physical activity that the participants did between 1992 and 1996 and followed them up 10 years later in 2006.
The researchers found that women who walked for at least 210 minutes every week were 43 percent less likely to suffer from strokes compared to those who did high intensity cardio or did not do physical activity. However the researchers did not find a similar benefit of walking among males. “The message for the general population remains similar: regularly engaging in moderate recreational activity is good for your health”, lead researcher Jose Maria said.