One may crib about the pollution outside and prefer to stay inside the four walls of the home, but even this may not be a good idea, for researchers say that indoor air quality has
Research has now proved that no place is safe from germs and disease. If you are complaining about the pollution outside, rest assured that the inside of your home is as bad, or maybe even worse. It appears that indoor air quality has a greater impact on health than outdoor air quality. And this doesn’t imply that the air inside your home is health-friendly.
In a new study, researchers said that exposure to chemical and biological contaminants and possible cancer-causing agents is possible, and can contribute to the risk of developing respiratory and neurologic symptoms, allergies, asthma and lung cancer.While North American adults spend almost 90% of their time indoors, researchers at the University of Ottawa; the Environmental Health Sciences Bureau (Canada); the Air Health Effects Division, Water, Air and Climate Change Bureau; and Health Canada review sources, health effects and control strategies for several major sources of residential indoor contaminants.
This information is useful for both homeowners and physicians in helping prevent and treat possible health problems.
The study also cited that exposure to second-hand smoke and radon are the most common causes of lung cancer after cigarette smoking.