
Ways to handle ugly toenails

Ugly and disfigured toenails is a problem that occurs in 1 in 2 persons above the age of 50. This condition is caused by a long standing fungal infection and it gives toenails a thick, yellow and crumbly appearance. Doctors at the Mayo Clinic advice consulting with a chiropodist who might recommend an anti-fungal drug. However, these drugs might cause some side effects if the person suffers from any pre-existing medical conditions. And, for those people who are not very concerned with the appearance and decide not to treat the infection, the best bet is to keep the toenails short and neat. Feet should be first soaked in water to soften nails for trimming. Long handled clippers can be used for good grip and control and nails should be cut straight across to reduce risk of ingrowing nails. Wearing roomy shoes which avoid wear and tear of the toenails also helps in reducing thickening of the nails.
