
Weight Loss Surgery Reduces Complications in 227kg Iraqi

by Julia Samuel on Mar 3 2015 12:18 PM

Rafid, loses 30kgs after a weight loss surgery done in BLK hospital, New Delhi and is expected to shed 125kgs in the next nine months.

Weight Loss Surgery Reduces Complications in 227kg Iraqi
Rafid, a resident of Iraq, weighing 227kilogrmas underwent a weight loss surgery as he also suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure. He is also dependant on the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to sleep.
"After //surgery, Rafiq has lost 30kg. Over the next nine months, he is expected to shed another 125kg," said Dr. Deep Goel, senior consultant and director, bariatric and advanced laparoscopic surgery, at BLK super-specialty hospital.

Special beds and CT scan were arranged to make sure the operation was smooth and did not cause any complications. Hospital administration made special arrangements for Rafid's surgery called Sleeve Gastrectomy.

"Given his size and level of complications, Rafid's case required meticulous planning including arrangements of special instruments," said Dr. Deep Goel, Director, Bariatric and Advance Laparoscopy Surgery at BLK super speciality hospital.

Dr. Ravindra Vats, Senior Consultant, Bariatrics said, "Challenge became bigger when instrument used for operation called tork became small and fragile given Rafid's fat deposition. The operation which lasted for over two hours was successful and the very next day Rafid did not require CPAP machine for sleeping."

Rafid was able to reduce over 30 kilograms in just one week and was immediately relieved from his uncontrollable diabetes levels. "He doesn't require diabetes medicines anymore. He is not even taking any aid from machines for sleeping. We are hoping that soon his high blood pressure will also come under control and he will not have to take any further medicines," said Dr. Ravindra.

The surgery involves stapling the stomach to create a small pouch so that smaller amounts of food are enough to satiate the patient's hunger. This pouch is further connected to the small intestine to lower fat absorption.

Studies have shown 70-80 percent of extra weight is lost in 6-9 months, with 92 percent improvement in hypertension, 95 percent improvement in diabetes, 82 percent in osteoarthritis, 98 percent in GERD and 75 percent in sleep apnea with increased quality of life after this surgery, explained Dr. Goel.












