
What Happens If You Grow Nerve Cells on Graphene Carpets?

by Rishika Gupta on Jun 13 2018 6:22 PM

Graphene carpets can strengthen neuronal activity if nerve cells are grown on them, finds a new study.

 What Happens If You Grow Nerve Cells on Graphene Carpets?
Graphene carpets here in this study have been able to strengthen Neuronal activity of the nerve cells because of a process called ion 'trapping'. Both theoretical and practical knowledge has been integrated in this study. The findings of this study are published in the Journal of Nature Nanotechnology.
Combining theoretical and experimental approaches they have shown that the phenomenon is due to the ability of the material to 'trap' several ions present in the surrounding environment on its surface, modulating its composition.

Graphene is the thinnest bi-dimensional material available today, characterized by incredible properties of conductivity, flexibility, and transparency. Although there are high expectations for its applications in the biomedical field, only very few works have analyzed its interactions with neuronal tissue.

A study conducted by SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati, in association with the University of Antwerp (Belgium), the University of Trieste and the Institute of Science and Technology of Barcelona (Spain), has analysed the behaviour of neurons grown on a single layer of graphene, observing a strengthening in their activity.

Through theoretical and experimental approaches the researchers have shown that such behavior is due to reduced ion mobility, in particular of potassium, to the neuron-graphene interface. This phenomenon is commonly called 'ion trapping,' already known at a theoretical level, but observed experimentally for the first time only now. "It is as if graphene behaves as an ultra-thin magnet on whose surface some of the potassium ions present in the extracellular solution between the cells and the graphene remain trapped. It is this small variation that determines the increase in neuronal excitability" comments Denis Scaini, a researcher at SISSA who has led the research alongside Laura Ballerini.

The study has also shown that this strengthening occurs when the graphene itself is supported by an insulator, like glass, or suspended in solution, while it disappears when lying on a conductor. "Graphene is a highly conductive material which could potentially be used to coat any surface. Understanding how its behaviour varies according to the substratum on which it is laid is essential for its future applications, above all in the neurological field" continues Scaini, "considering the unique properties of graphene it is natural to think for example about the development of innovative electrodes of cerebral stimulation or visual devices".

It is a study with a double outcome. Laura Ballerini comments as follows: "This 'ion trap' effect was described only in theory. Studying the impact of the 'technology of materials' on biological systems, we have documented a mechanism to regulate membrane excitability, but at the same time we have also experimentally described property of the material through the biology of neurons."












