The most frequently asked question on Ask in 2008 was How do I get pregnant?
The most frequently asked question on Ask in 2008 was "How do I get pregnant?" is the world's fourth largest search engine, and the straightforward medical inquiry ranked as most often asked question in the last year.In fact, according to Search engine news site Search Engine Land, the second most popular question of the year was also health-related with "How do I lose weight?".
The questions were ranked ahead of significantly trickier queries, with "What is the meaning of life?" ranking just seventh on's list, and that old favourite "Why is the sky blue?" ranking ninth.
Other queries focussed on more pressing economic issues, including "How do I write a resume?", "How much is the minimum wage?" and "How much is my car worth?".
On the other hand's top search terms of last year were "dictionary" and "MySpace," reports The Courier Mail.
However, a large number of web surfers used the search engine to find another search engine, "Google," which ranked as the third most sought-out term.