
Whey Protein Microgel Might Induce Better Insulin Response

Type 2 diabetes patients while given whey protein shots 15 minutes prior to meals had better glucose tolerance 2 hours after meals, finds study

 Whey Protein Microgel Might Induce Better Insulin Response
The body’s insulin response can be improvized and hence blood clears glucose faster while giving a whey protein macromolecular network or microgel, before meals to people with type 2 diabetes, finds the latest research.
The facts presented in the Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), held online this year (27 Sept-1 Oct) suggest increasing the quantity, and taking the whey protein well in advance may give better results to effectively reduce the spiking glucose levels after meals.

The lead author, Dr. Odd Erik Johansen from Nestle Health Science in Switzerland says, the Micelle technology developed by their research team, makes the whey protein cross-linked polymers to be available quicker for the body while it is taken at a lower dosage of fewer than forty-kilo calories, well before fifteen minutes to a meal.

Dairy products contain whey proteins that increase the GLP-1 production in the gut, which is called the glucagon-like peptide. This GLEP-1 protein triggers insulin production in the body. As a result, the blood glucose levels in the body just after taking a meal are marginally reduced.

Diabetes is a condition in which the body is unable to maintain optimal blood sugar levels. Dietary choices are one approach that could control glucose levels. People with type 2 diabetes must choose their food items cleverly, as it has a greater impact on their well-being.

After studying 26 people with regulated diabetes, the results found buttress the claim that protein shakes are consumed before food can enhance the insulin response in the body. The group was divided into two. The first group was offered whey protein microgel containing water and the next group was offered a placebo containing water. After the two groups had their meals, they were observed for sugar levels as per procedures.

After meals, while observing the patients for two hours, the glucose levels sharply declined (22%) in the patients who took whey protein compared to the other group of patients who were given a placebo. After two hours, the reduction phases were uniform in both the group until four hours after the meals. More importantly, the insulin response and the GLP-1 response rates in the whey protein consumed patients was far better than the other group.

“Our promising results support the use of this pre-meal soluble whey protein microgel as an additional option to improve both the early insulin response and GLP-1 response that is usually lacking in type 2 diabetes, particularly in more advanced stages, and to help control blood sugar surges that are linked to health problems such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney failure, and eye damage”, says lead author Dr. Odd Erik Johansen from Nestle Health Science in Switzerland. “This trial provides us with a really good stepping stone for a longer-term clinical trial to determine the full translational metabolic impact of this natural novel whey protein shot is long-lasting."












