The World Health Organization is investigating an Australian researcher's claim that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error.
The World Health Organization is investigating an Australian researcher's claim that the swine flu virus circling the globe may have been created as a result of human error.
According to Bloomberg News, Adrian Gibbs, 75, said that he intends to publish a report suggesting the new strain may have accidentally evolved in eggs that scientists use to grow viruses and drugmakers use to make vaccines.Gibbs said his findings could help better understand the microbe's ability to spread, reports Fox News.
Now, Keiji Fukuda, World Health Organization Assistant Director-General of Health Security, is reviewing the study.
If Gibbs' research is confirmed, Fukuda said it would raise many new questions about the new strain.
Fukuda said: "Was this developed in part as a vaccine virus? Was this developed as some sort of research project? And in those instances, was it released on purpose? Was it an accidental release? What would be the circumstances?"
However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta analyzed the report and concluded there is no evidence to support Gibbs's conclusion.