According to a study women talk three times men do, where an average man can talk around 7000 words per day, an average woman can talk up to 20,000 words.
According to a study women talk three times men do, where an average man can talk around 7000 words per day, an average woman can talk up to 20,000 words. No wonder it is common to find many women complaining of the men in their house not talking much.
Dr. Luan Brizendine, psychiatrist at University of California, author of a book called “The Female Mind," and an eminent feminist claims that women tend to devote more brain cells in communicating that is why they tend to be more talkative.Dr. Brizendine, working at San-Francisco-based clinic said, "Women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion, while men have a small country road."
If women devote more of their brain cells in talking men do in thinking about sex, they tend to think about it every 52 second when compared to a woman who thinks about it only once a day.
So next time you plan to blame a woman, stop! Because when women involve in excessive talking, comparatively to what men involve their brains to, it is not that huge a distraction mentally.