Recent research on junk food have led scientists to equate the craving for junk food to heroin addiction, one good reason why eating junk food could make one crave for more.
Recent research on junk food have led scientists to equate the craving for junk food to heroin addiction, one good reason why eating junk food could make one crave for more.
According to the research conducted by Dr Paul Kenny, a diet rich in fat, salt and sugar will increase the craving for more of such types of food.The craving increases each time it is satisfied as there is a feeling of happiness after the craving is fed.
Dr Kenny said, "You lose control. It's the hallmark of addiction. This is the most complete evidence to date that suggests obesity and drug addiction have common neuro-biological foundations."
Experiments were conducted on rats by dividing them into three groups – one group of rats were given healthy food, another group was given controlled amounts of junk food while the third group could have unlimited amounts of junk food.
The experiment revealed that the third group which could eat unlimited amounts of junk food began binge-eating.
When they electronically stimulated the region in the brain that feels pleasure, the binge-eating rats needed more junk food to feel pleasure.