Daycare is linked to increased complications in preterm children with chronic lung disease, as they are prone to frequent coughing, wheezing, and use of inhalers.
- Daycare linked to increased complications in preterm children with chronic lung disease
- Children attending daycare are prone to frequent coughing, wheezing, and use of inhalers
- Study indicates that emergency department visits and steroid use are drastically increased in preterm children with chronic lung disease
What is the link Between Daycare and Respiratory Health among Pre-term Children?
Several prior studies have shown an association between daycare attendance and increased risk of respiratory complications in very low birth weight children. However, those studies focused on a single center or location and thus the results were not generalizable across the population.To better qualify the impact of daycare exposure on respiratory illnesses in children with BPD, the researchers collected registry data from nine tertiary care centers in the United States who participate in the BPD Collaborative Outpatient Registry. Analyzing 341 former preterm infants with BPD between the ages of 0 and 3, the researchers collected data on daycare attendance, clinical characteristics, acute care use, and chronic respiratory symptoms.
The researchers found that preterm children with BPD who attended daycare were three times as likely to visit the emergency room and four times as likely to use systemic steroids. They also observed a greater risk of chronic respiratory symptoms among preterm children who attended daycare, including breathing problems (coughing or wheezing) and increased use of rescue medication, such as inhalers. There was no difference between children who attended in-home daycares and those who attended center-based daycares.
To determine whether these effects lessened with age, the researchers stratified their data into three age groups: 6-12 months, 12-24 months, and 24-36 months. They found the negative impacts of daycare were highest in the 6-12 months age group, but the data suggested those effects may persist until 36 months of age.