
Why Weight Gain in the First Month of Baby's Life is Important?

by Savitha C Muppala on Jun 19 2013 9:44 AM

 Why Weight Gain in the First Month of Baby`s Life is Important?
Does weight gain in the first month of baby's life have anything to do with intelligence?
An analysis of data collected from 14,000 healthy babies has revealed the link between birth weight and I.Q.

The babies who gained 40% of their birth weight in the first four weeks were benefited with an I.Q that was 1.5 points higher by the time they were six years of age. In contrast, babies that gained only 15% of their birth weight did not perform as well in I.Q tests.

Dr Lisa Smithers, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Adelaide, who led the study, said, “Other pieces of the literature pointed to this kind of effect, but nobody's really also looked at that really early period, those first four weeks of life. This was additional to that other research which says growth in the first year [is important]; well, actually what we've shown is growth in those first four weeks is also very, very important."

This research is important because it studied the weight gain of babies in the first month of their life. "We do just want to point out the fact that parents should seek help for any feeding problems or any growth problems very early so that they can be addressed," she said.

