Cardiovascular rehabilitation, which lowers mortality and readmission rates, is underutilized and less effective in women than in men.

Cardiac Rehabilitation for Women: A Systematic Review of Barriers and Solutions
Go to source). The study appears in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology, published by Elsevier.
Gender Differences in Barriers to Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
CR is a chronic disease management program where patients are supported by a team of healthcare professionals over several months through medical risk factor management, structured exercise, as well as patient education and counseling. This first global comparative study into barriers to using CR in men and women assesses the extent of these barriers and discusses ways in which patients can overcome them. It determined that women and men face some common, but also many different barriers, and barriers differ by global region.‘Talking with a healthcare provider about getting to a cardiovascular rehabilitation program or doing a home-based program, can potentially mitigate to overcome the barriers, especially in women. #cardiorehab #women #healthylife #hearthealth’

Lead investigator Sherry L. Grace, PhD, CRFC, Faculty of Health, York University and KITE - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto, explains: “The benefits of cardiac rehab participation are remarkable, plus patients get back their vitality and can return to their meaningful life roles. Unfortunately, women face many structural barriers to attending – from the individual to health system levels. We developed the Cardiac Rehab Barriers Scale (CRBS) almost 25 years ago to better characterize them, and it remains the most widely used and rigorous measurement scale to assess these barriers.” 

While the CRBS has been translated into more than 20 languages, before the present study it had never been administered to patients in more than one country at a time and had only been administered in a total of 25 countries. There have only been two studies in which women’s and men’s barriers were compared.
Prof. Grace and co-lead investigator Gabriela Ghisi, PT, PhD, CRFC, also of KITE - Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, University of Toronto, add, “It was time to examine CR barriers on a global comparative basis to help us understand sex differences and women’s main barriers so we can address them, and hence have more women enrolling and fully participating in CR.”
In this cross-sectional study, the CRBS was administered globally via an online survey to over 2,000 patients from 16 countries across all six World Health Organization regions. Members of the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) community helped recruit participants by identifying cardiac in-patients who were eligible for CR and patients who were just starting CR.
Global Perspectives on Cardiovascular Rehabilitation
This is the first international study of CR utilization barriers, including data from all world regions, and presents the first quantitative barrier data from Africa as well as from several Western Pacific and European countries. About 42% of the participants were women.The study’s findings show that although female cardiac patients have a somewhat greater burden of barriers in the Western Pacific and Americas than men, men and women have major barriers, which need to be addressed to optimize CR utilization.
Among women not enrolled in CR programs, their greatest barriers were not knowing about CR, the program not contacting them after referral, the cost, and finding exercise tiring or painful. Among women who were enrolled in a program, their greatest barriers to session adherence were distance, travel, family responsibilities, and difficulties in accessing sessions that require attendance in person (i.e., transportation).
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