A new study has found that when people encounter men with wider faces, then they are more likely to act selfishly which in turn makes others to behave selfishly.

Haselhuhn along with Elaine M. Wongpredicted found in 2011 that men with wider faces tend to lead more financially successful firms, while in 2012 they found that men with wider faces are more likely to lie and cheat.
The work also showed the importance of appearance when selecting a CEO, especially as CEOs increasingly become the face of organizations.
The recent research which was a series of four studies involved between 131 to 207 participants each.
In the first study, the researchers established a relationship between facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) and general self-interest, demonstrating that men with higher fWHRs behaved more selfishly when dividing resources between themselves and a partner.
In two subsequent studies, the researchers examined the same decisions from the partner's point of view and showed that partners change their own behaviour based on a target's fWHR.
The study is published in the journal PLOS ONE.