Some wildlife species in the UK will have to move to new habitats as climate change causes temperatures to rise, the Wildlife Trusts have warned.
Some wildlife species in the UK will have to move to new habitats as climate change causes temperatures to rise, the Wildlife Trusts have warned.
The trusts have cautioned that animals, birds and plants will have to move north and westwards to find suitable habitats, as weather patterns change.Species affected will include the dormouse and some bats and butterflies.
The Wildlife Trusts says that while some species are already shifting, development and loss of habitat is preventing movement for others.
The organization is trying to link up natural areas of woodland, heathland and pasture so creatures like pipistrelle and barbastelle bats and sand lizards can extend their habitats.
"Wildlife has done it before, after the last Ice Age, but now there are unexpected barriers: cities, motorways and hostile countryside,” the Telegraph quoted John Everitt, from the organization, as saying.
"We need to ensure that we give our wildlife room to move or its future is threatened,” he added.