
Window Seats in Airplane Raise Incidence of Deep Vein Thrombosis

by Tanya Thomas on Jan 29 2009 10:45 AM

Think twice before choosing a window seat on the plane, for a new study has found that the view chair increases the chance of deep vein thrombosis.

Love the window seat when traveling by air? Researchers are suggesting that you'd be much better off with aisle-seats. The reason - air travel may not be 'a breeze' if you insist on a seat with a view because these seats increase the chance of deep vein thrombosis.

According to researchers, those sitting by the window face double the risk of a potentially deadly blood clot.

The dangers are even greater for obese passengers, who are six times more likely to develop a blockage than if they sit next to the aisle, reports the Telegraph.

It is reportedly thought that the findings could be explained by passengers being more cramped in window seats.

Also it has been reported that passengers find it easier to fall asleep in window seats, according to the Daily Mail.

A DVT clot can cause death if it travels through a passenger's bloodstream to the lungs and causes a pulmonary embolism.

Researchers from Leiden University Medical Centre reportedly said: "Passengers in a window seat had a two-fold increase in risk compared to those in an aisle seat, while there was no increase in risk in those in middle seats.

"One explanation may be that passengers are in a more cramped position in a window seat."

