
Wine Bottles to Warn of Pitfalls of Drinking

by VR Sreeraman on Oct 15 2006 2:16 PM

The British Government is negotiating with the drinks industry to carry warning labels on wine, beer and other alcoholic spirits bottles, cautioning young people to be aware of...

The British Government is negotiating with the drinks industry to carry warning labels on wine, beer and other alcoholic spirits bottles, cautioning young people to be aware of the dangers of drinking on a regular basis. This stems from concern over the increasing numbers of people who are taking to binge drinking on a regular basis, which is likely to lead to serious health issues later on.

Recently it has been reported by the EU that unlike other European countries where people are drinking less, alcohol consumption has increased by a significant percentage from 20 to 25 units weekly per person in UK. The government is attempting to reverse this trend by a series of messages on television, radio and newspapers.

The series begins on Monday on TV, one showing a man trying a daring task in a superhero costume, while under the influence, and getting killed. The ideas being-alcohol makes you overestimate your capabilities though it actually weakens you. The campaign advises people to "Know Your Limits". A similar message will appear in newspapers.

The warnings on the wine bottles will start from next year. Its exact nature is what is being negotiated. The government and the European want them to be explicit, carrying guidelines on how much can be safely consumed, and advice on alcoholism. The drinks industry is willing to cooperate, and avoid legislation, but as a representative says, does not want to make it seem as dangerous as smoking.

The government however is pressing ahead with the campaign against drinking, and the system will be ready in 18 months. It will include warnings about alcoholism in clubs, bars and restaurants, hoping to influence youngsters against the idea that "drinking is cool".










