A study of the South American groups, called Waoranis, has revealed quite the opposite about macho men and their perceived ability to get the girl they want.
A study of the South American groups, called Waoranis, has revealed quite the opposite about macho men and their perceived ability to get the girl they want. The chase got tougher for such men.
An international team of anthropologists working in Ecuador conducted the study."In 1988, Napoleon Chagnon published evidence that among the famously warlike Yanomamo of Venezuela, men who had participated in a homicide had significantly more wives and children than their less warlike brethren. Our research among the Waorani indicates that more aggressive warriors have lower indices of reproductive success than less warlike men," said Stephen Beckerman, associate professor of anthropology, Penn State.
The Waorani are rainforest manioc horticulturalists and foragers, known for warfare and murder. They practiced their violence on each other as well as on outsiders. Eventually, over a period of 14 years, the missionaries pacified all the sections of the Waorani population, bringing an end to the aggressive warfare and raiding.
"In light of the documented abundance of wild resources, resource limitation cannot be considered the cause of warfare among the Waorani," said Beckerman.
The Waorani Life History Project looked at how a man's participation in raiding correlates with his survivorship and that of his wives, the number of his wives and the number of children he produced and their survivorship.
For the study, the researchers interviewed men in 23 settlements, focussing mainly on any man old enough to have experienced warfare before the pacification that could be found and who agreed to the interview.
"Our sample of warriors includes both living and dead men. We ranked aggression by the number of raids they participated in. Our analysis is free of the problem caused by the inherent correlation of the warrior's age with both participation in raids and reproductive success," said Beckerman.
In fact, warlike men have fewer children who survive to reproductive age.
The findings have been published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.