
Woman Loses Breast After Toxic Spider Bite

A woman called Victoria Franklin has lost her breast after being bitten by a toxic brown recluse spider.

 Woman Loses Breast After Toxic Spider Bite
A woman called Victoria Franklin has lost her breast after being bitten by a toxic brown recluse spider. Ms Franklin was bitten during the Easter weekend and by the time she called her sister for help, her breast had turned black and was emitting a foul smell.
Valerie Dapaa, who took her sister to the hospital said that her sister's breast had also blown up in size, "They call it the smell of death. The doctors said they didn't know if they could save her. She was diabetic and her sugar was up to 700," she told ABC News

The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture in Seattle says that the brown recluse spider is found in 15 states in the US.

Franklin underwent emergency usrgery to remove her breast and was on a respirator for 11 days after she slipped into a diabetic coma. Currently she is recovering at Well Star Windy Hill Hospital in Marietta, Georgia.

