A breast cancer survivor lost her breast implant internally during strenuous Pilates exercise.
A 59-year old breast cancer survivor lost her breast implant internally during strenuous Pilates exercise. The implant shifted when she engaged in a deep exhale while keeping her mouth closed and nose pinched shut called the Valsalva maneuve.An ultrasound revealed that the implant was lodged between the lower part of the woman's right lung and ribcage.
Fortunately the woman did not experience any pain by the time she was taken to the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, US. She had recently undergone a heart surgery which often involves separating the rib muscles. Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. anthony Youn said, "The weakened scar tissue was easily torn, and the strength of the pectoralis muscle pushed the implant deep into her chest."
Eventually, the surgeons managed to retrieve the implant from within her chest and reinstated it.
This bizarre incident has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine.