
Women Complain of Failed Tubectomy from Two Different States

Two families in two different parts of the country have complained of failed tubectomy birth-control surgeries and for being saddled with unplanned children

Two families in two different parts of the country have complained of failed tubectomy birth-control surgeries and for being saddled with unplanned children.

A Himachal Pradesh couple has demanded compensation for two failed tubectomy birth-control surgeries while a woman in Madhya Pradesh has complained that she has become pregnant despite the operation.

The angry couple hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh’s Shimla district has urged Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh to take action against the concerned health officials.

Gian Chand said his wife Gopi Devi underwent a tubectomy 10 years ago after their first child was born, as they did not want any more children.

Chand claimed that his wife gave birth to their second child a year later.

Another birth control surgery was performed on Gopi Devi, but Chand says they were disappointed when she conceived again a few years later and a third child was born to them.

The couple say they are extremely poor and cannot afford to raise three children. They want the government to compensate them for the upbringing of the two children who were born, they allege, due to the negligence of the doctors.

Health officials have ordered a probe into the case.

The woman from Bhopal, Simran Lalwani, says she underwent a birth control operation six months ago and the certificate issued by the Civil Hospital in Bairagarh said she was "successfully operated".

"My husband is a driver and I had opted for Tubectomy due to our poor financial condition. I was operated on Jan 16. But I have become pregnant," said the victim in a complaint to state Health Minister Ajay Vishnoi.

Lalwani said: "Last month, a private clinic diagnosed that I was pregnant for 15 days. When I went to a doctor of the Civil Hospital, Alka Paragniha, she took my papers saying the records needed to be checked."

"There is always a risk of failed operation and therefore the patients are asked to come to the hospital for regular check ups. But Lalwani did not," Paragniha said.

Vishnoi has assured the victim of an investigation by senior medical officials.

(Source: IANS)











