A new study has found that women consider themselves to be old at 29-years of age, while men feel the same at 58-years.
A new study has found that women consider
themselves to be old at 29-years of age, while men feel the same at 58-years. About
th women begin to feel old as they spotted few grey hairs, while 2/3
men begin to feel old once they could not perform in the bedroom.
10% women claimed to feel old once
they noticed their skin was sagging. 50% women felt youthful until their
breasts started drooping due to childbirth or breast feeding. 3% women believed
that behaving like their mothers was a definite sign of ageing. 22% men
admitted to have felt old when they thought the music in the bars was too loud.
Psychologist Professor Cary Cooper
fro, Lancaster University has cited that this difference of thinking between
the sexes could be due to our social set-up, as generally by 30-years women are
expected to get married and begin a family while at the same age majority men
are career oriented and they do not feel old until they reach their retirement