A new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior suggests that women find men with a 10-day beard the most attractive.
A new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior suggests that women find men with a 10-day beard the most attractive while those with a full beard were thought to have the best parenting skills. Researchers at University of New South Wales in Australia took photographs of 10 men when they were clean shaven and sported five and ten day beards as well as with full beards.
The photographs were then shown to a group of 351 women and 177 heterosexual men and were asked them to rate each face according to its attractiveness, masculinity, health and potential parenting ability.
The researchers found that while a five-day beard was deemed unattractive by both the sexes, faces with 10-day beards were found to be most attractive by women while both the men and women chose faces with full beards as having the best parenting ability.