A new study at the University of Virginia Health System has shown that acupuncture could be an effective therapy for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Acupuncture could be an effective therapy for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), according to a new study at the University of Virginia Health System.
PCOS causes a hormonal imbalance, interfering with ovulation and ultimately, fertility.In the study, testing the impact of acupuncture, several women reported pregnancies.
Now, Lisa Pastore, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UVA Health System and principle researcher of the study, elieves that acupuncture could be an important alternative, non-drug therapy for women with this disorder.
"Over the last year we have seen women who never had a regular menstrual cycle start having regular periods. We can also boast several pregnancies since the study began," said Pastore.
"Now we would like to recruit more people to the study in order to complete the study. It is important for research to have enough participants to ensure that the results are scientifically credible and not due to chance," she added.
Study participant Rebecca Killmeyer of Charlottesville, Va, learned of her PCOS in 2005. Over the past five years she did not have regular, monthly periods.
"I had finished all my acupuncture treatments and was in the end stages of the study when I became pregnant. We had already scheduled our follow-up appt with our fertility doctors when we found out we were pregnant." Killmeyer said.