World Bedwetting Day: Time to Take Action

World Bedwetting Day: Time to Take Action

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World Bedwetting Day observed on the last Tuesday of May helps create awareness on bedwetting. It also encourages families to discuss with their pediatrician. Lifestyle changes, medical treatment and support from friends and family can help children overcome bedwetting

Highlights :

  • World Bedwetting Day is observed on the last Tuesday of May
  • Creates awareness on bedwetting and encourages families to discuss with their pediatrician
  • Lifestyle changes, medical treatment and support from friends and family can help children overcome bedwetting
World Bedwetting Day is observed every year on the last Tuesday of May. This year, it is celebrated on 26th May 2020 with the theme ‘Time to Take Action.’ The day aims to create awareness on bedwetting and encourage families to discuss it with their doctor to get immediate help.



Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis is a common medical problem in kids, especially those under six years of age. For decades, bedwetting was considered as a simple condition that would go away on its own. However, in recent times, it’s considered as a complex disorder.
International Children’s Continence Society (ICCS) and the European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU) came together for the first time in 2015 to raise awareness about this common medical condition.


Why Do Kids Wet the Bed?

Bedwetting could be a problem for some children and can affect about 15-20 percent of 5-year-olds. It is mostly caused by over production of urine at night or reduced capacity of the bladder. There are a number of reasons and here are some of the most common one’s:
  • Sleep: Children who are deep sleepers are more likely to wet the bed
  • Time: Some children need more time to control their bladder
  • Genetics: Most of the time, bedwetting is inherited from a parent, aunt or uncle, or even grandparents
  • Stress: Stress and anxiety can make bedwetting worse. Going through big changes like moving to a new place or a new sibling, or other stressors, can lead to bedwetting
  • Medical: Urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation or having a small bladder or making too much urine or even type 1 diabetes can cause bedwetting


    How Does Bedwetting Impact Your Child?

    Bedwetting can impact both boys and girls, but boys are twice more likely to be affected than girls. Bedwetting can affect a child’s:

    Help Your Kids Cope with Bedwetting

    Working together with your child helps create a nurturing and supportive environment. Talk to your doctor or pediatrician if your child is still bedwetting a few times per week. However, there are few products that can help school-aged children with bedwetting:
    • Disposable absorbent underpants
    • Reusable absorbent underpants
    • Sleeping bag liners
    • Moisture alarms
    Parents, be patient and understanding towards your child because punishment does not work, as it is not their fault. Certain lifestyle changes can help children stop bedwetting.


    On this World Bedwetting Day, let us raise awareness on the importance of bedwetting. Parents can make time with their children to have open and honest conversations about bedwetting. Lifestyle changes, medical treatment, and support and reassurance from friends and family can help kids overcome bedwetting.

    1. World Bedwetting Day 2020 - (
    2. Bedwetting - (
    3. Enuresis (Bedwetting) - (
    4. Bedwetting: 5 Common Reasons Why Children Wet the Bed - (












