The world’s first conjugate typhoid vaccine has been launched by an Indian firm, Bharat Biotech. The vaccine is known by the name - Typbar-TCV.
The world’s first conjugate typhoid vaccine has been launched by an Indian firm, Bharat Biotech. The vaccine is known by the name - Typbar-TCV. Polysaccharide versions of the typhoid vaccine have been available so far. These type of vaccines are manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, Sanofi and GSK. The conjugate version by Bharat biotech is available for the first time.
Mr.Krishna Ella, Chairman and Managing Director of Bharat Biotech, said that this vaccine will target to reach many nations.
He also said that the conjugate version which can be administered above the age of six months enables immunity from the disease for a longer period. The company is extremely optimistic about this product and estimate that it will kick in further revenues of Rs.70 crore.