
X-mas gifts - weight gain for children?

Children this year received gifts for Christmas that may result in Obesity among the younger age group. Gifs mainly confine children to their houses and thereby make them fat.

Children this year received gifts for Christmas that may result in Obesity among the younger age group. Gifs mainly confine children to their houses and thereby make them fat.

A study was conducted by North East Wales Institute of Higher Education (NEWI) reveals Christmas gifts to promote obesity among kids. X-mas gifts fail to encourage children to go outdoors and burn their fat.

This does not provide a healthy lifestyle when compared to gifts given in 1970s and results in deterioration of the child’s health.

They said that Children in the 1970s were much healthier and suffered from less cardiac and other obesity related problems. But today’s kids receive computer CDs and dolls which promotes obesity.

The British Heart Foundation also tells us the same fact that the present day children are less healthy and don’t do any exercise or other precautionary measures to reduce their waistlines.

Children lack outdoor activities and physical exercise and a big question arises about them being fit and healthy.

The gifts children received this year are likely to be a DVD, iPod or X box which has nothing to do with physical exercise.

There is a fear among the researchers that the future generations are going to be obese with an increased number of heart and other health related problems.
