Shocking, but not all those looking exteriorly might be healthy internally. They might come under the category of what is jokingly called tofi
Shocking, but not all those looking exteriorly might be healthy internally. They might come under the category of what is jokingly called tofi i.e. thin outside fat inside!
Case of Tofi :Ben Schwartz is a thin lad of 28 who occupies himself throughout the day in his occupation of running a television production company. His BMI is 24 which fall under the healthy category. He was diagnosed with the help of a MRI to have 3.75 litres of internal fat. Doctors such cases more risky than the ones who are fat, since they are not deceptive.
Expert opinions :
Professor Jimmy Bell, at the Medical Research Council's centre, Imperial College, London is the head of the molecular imaging group. He said that Mr. Schwartz had high amounts of fat around his abdomen, and also around his organs and muscles. This kind of fat cannot be termed subcutaneous fat(fat beneath the skin) but instead it is visceral fat(surrounding vital organs and in the abdominal region).
Prof, Bell has been working from years to analyze the metabolism of fat, its storage and utilization in the human body. He has made many studies as to how a thin person can accumulate excessive fat within them.
He said, ‘This is particularly true of men who have a slim build but who do little or no exercise, we know now that 40 per cent of people have fat infiltration of the liver, which is linked to so many other health problems.'
Harmful Effects of Visceral Fat :
Having visceral fat can make you more prone to have insulin resistance, leading to diabetes. They can also acquire hypertension and cardiac problems.
So, assuming that you are thin you should not devoid yourself of a strict regiment of exercise as Schwartz will be starting boxing practice regularly.