You've had a tiring day of work and all you want to do is fall asleep on the bed, but certain elements like bright room colours and harsh lighting can make your life very stressful.

- There are too many distractions: It's wonderful to just lie in bed at night and watch TV. But falling asleep to violent news stories or crazy reality television shows aren't exactly what you want. Instead, ditch the television and try reading a book.
- The room colour is too bright: The colour of your bedroom should reflect your personality. But if you think the shade is too bright for sleeping or just isn't soothing, paint the space white for a calming effect.
- The lighting is harsh: Really strong lighting is uncomfortable no matter what room you're in. You should have a bright lamp to help you to browse your closet, read a book or do your make-up. But you must also invest in a light that's very dim to help create some ambience.
- It's just too hot: Use natural fibers, which tend to be more breathable.
- There's too much clutter: Bedrooms are generally cluttered with photos, jewellery, clothes and everything in between. To avoid this, try to make your bed every morning and tidy up every day. Also, make sure you have plenty of storage, so everything will have a place, instead of ending up all over the room.