
Youngest To Commit Suicide?

by Gopalan on Apr 25 2010 1:25 PM

A six-year-old girl’s death under suspicious circumstances has been ruled suicide in the US. The community is shocked.

A six-year-old girl’s death under suspicious circumstances has been ruled suicide in the US. The community in Yamhill County in Oregon is shocked.

On December 2, 2009, Samantha Kuberski got into a fight with her mother and was sent to her room. With the rest of her family in other parts of the house, Samatha reportedly tied a belt and a kid's blanket around her neck and onto the top railing of a crib. Later, when relatives went to find the first-grader, they found her lying in the unused crib unconscious.

Samantha was rushed to a hospital where she was pronounced dead. She was just five days shy of celebrating her 7th birthday. Police determined that Kuberski's parents weren't involved in her death and that Samantha showed no signs of abuse. 
 There was some debate as to whether a six-year-old could indeed decide to end her life. Was it not a case of tantrum gone awry, some wondered. But now it has been declared a case of suicide.

During an interview with the family, the medical examiner was apparently told that Samantha’s parents had warned her and her siblings of the dangers of playing with belts around their necks.

“Statements were made by the girl that indicated she was going to kill herself,” chief medical examiner Dr. Karen Gunson told a news reporter. “She had the means and she realized that if she put something around her neck that was dangerous and could cause death…because her parents had told her that. My contention is that she shows intent.”

McMinnville police Capt. Dennis Marks said: “The disagreement is a little more philosophical than it is material to the case. It is not that we disagree with the mechanics of what happened.  It’s the finding that a 6-year-old could form that kind of intent.”
Adolescent psychiatrists  Dr. Kirk Wolfe too seemed to feel that way. He  told the Yamhill Valley News-Register."Most kids this age are not aware of what death actually is," "Not until they get to be 8, 9 and 10 do they understand death is final and you don't come back."

Still the fact that children could be driven to such desperation could go to show that something is radically wrong with the American way of life, some contend.












