Listening to music you love or hate can have a physical impact on your heart, conclude researchers.
Music, concludes researchers, can impact your heart physically, be it a tune you love or hate.
According to a study, conducted by Dr Mike Miller, a cardiologist at the University of Maryland Medical Centre in the US, playing your favourite songs can increase your blood circulation.In fact, it gives you the same feel-good factor as going to the gym, reports The Daily Telegraph.
In the research, boffins found that listening to "joyful" songs widened blood vessels and encouraged healthy blood flow "previously observed with aerobic activity." And the opposite happened when music participants didn't like was played.
Miller said: "We know that stress can cause blood vessels to tighten, but we wanted to see if they would open up when music people enjoyed was played.
"We thought we would see an increase in bloodflow in the volunteers, but we didn't think it would be so high."
The findings' implications are that enjoyable music can promote higher blood flow, which could lead to lower cholesterol, reduced inflammation and lessen the risk of blood clots.