Rising per head income of Rural and urban people by implementing income generation programme, slum free city, work opportunity to all family by the year 2025.
a. Work area of our Institute /Organization is expanded to Rural and Urban and shall cover all the districts of Orissa and may extended to all stats of India. b. It shall operate for all types of developmental work for rural and urban people including all caste & class (General, SC, ST, OBC, BPL, APL, Tribal, Minority etc.) c. It shall work for all kind of consultancy, Implementation, operation, maintenance, management, research, all kind of survey (Engineering, field, household, biometric, market, drought, flood, distribution etc.) Microfinance, Project construction ,awareness, anti corruption, eradication of Dowry, eradication Child marriage, eradication of unsociability, publication, eradication of poverty, Education , Training , all kind of Health (services ,awareness, treatment, management ), shelter, food etc. d. Render all kind of Social services like old age , Orphans, Children, Youth, Women, Widow, Pregnant, placement assist to unemployed , job work to unskilled /Skilled worker, agriculture development, Green area development, Cultural development, community development ,art, craft, sanitation, Infrastructure development , business promotion, Environmental benefited works, development of Socio economic activities , development of weaker section , national integration, Rehabilitation PAF ,Assist to Govt. in case of flood, Cyclone, drought, earth quack assist to distribution of relief etc. e. To under take all type of integration, preparation of DPR (Detailed Project Report), and all kinds of development work of Ministry GOO & GOI. f. Improve infrastructure facilities and help create durable public assts and quality oriented services in cites & town. g. Enhance public-private partnership in infrastructural development and promote planned integrated development of town, cities and urban. h. To undertake social, economic, cultural and educational activities for the socio-economic up-liftment of the weaker communities particularly for the children and women. i. To take up advocacy issues related to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of people, including child & women rights and Dalit rights. File Public interest litigations to strengthen social justice. j. To promote rights based culture in the developmental sector. k. To work with street / slum children particularly those at risk, put them through enriched quality school education and a sustainable livelihood, education program that will enable them to fight illiteracy, ill health and poverty. l. To promote tailor made programs targeted at children, youth and women from economically weakest category and enables them gain access to opportunities for sustainable livelihoods and growth m. To provide young adults from the weakest economic backgrounds a demand driven sustainable livelihood options through appropriate programs for employment, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship development training. n. To work towards promotion of policies, institutions and capacities that strengthens the voice and participation of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes and Minority communities, in improving their socio-economic status in democratic governance in society. o. To work in the areas of natural resource conservation and development including soil and water conservation, forestation, animal husbandry, wasteland development, irrigation, watershed and activities leading to integrated rural development providing development and employment opportunities to the local communities. p. To demonstrate appropriate technologies and develop capacity of rural population towards holistic development, the organisation will establish training/ educational institutions and hostels at suitable places. q. To undertake activities related to health, hygiene, sanitation, habitat etc for the street children, displaced and underprivileged section. r. To undertake poverty alleviation programmes, including Self Help groups promotion along with the promotion of micro finance, micro enterprise and sustainable livelihood programmes. s. To work in the areas of education, health; especially reproductive and child health and awareness generation, prevention and treatment for HIV/ AIDS. t. To provide support in planning, project formulation and implementation to the local organizations in undertaking economic activities and network with technical, financial and educational institutions for their development and if necessary collaborate with such organizations in planning similar initiatives. In fulfilment of the objectives, it may seek any kind of assistance from various sources. u. To provide support to the people affected by natural calamities /disasters. v. To borrow loans and mobilize funds from various funding agencies including Government, National and International Donors, Financial Institutions for the fulfilment of the objectives envisaged in the MoA. w. To publish journals, research reports, magazines and souvenir etc. for disseminating information in the public interest and to undertake holistic rural development Programmes/Projects. x. To promote Gandhian Philosophy, the organization will generate awareness among youth through training programmes and implement schemes for promotion of Khadi related activities. y. To arrange charity shows in the country as well as abroad for the benefit of the street children, mentally challenged children as well as for homeless and helpless aged persons. The income accrued will be utilized for the benefit to the target groups. z. To open philanthropy centre for street children. aa. To open philanthropy centre for the mentally challenged children whose limbs are undeveloped and equip them with latest equipments for physical exercise and to take the service of physiotherapist by paying Honorarium. ab. To research how the child becomes delinquent and to take care that how such incident could be stopped at the initial stages. ac. To provide guidance to such institution working on the issues of street children and to be helpful and if necessary to take visits to foreign countries on the international development on this issue. ad. To conduct activities for development in the field of all sort of formal and informal education to the street children and to take help from another institutions and to make experiments for their educations and also to render help to other institutions who are conducting such activities/ ae. Under the provision of Trust Act 1950 and other Acts in force, the Trust/ Society will acquire movable as well as immovable properties by way of gift, donation etc, for achieving the above said aims and objectives of the trust. The Trust will also acquire properties, movable as well as immovable by purchasing, to keep, maintain land, building, properties, apparatus, equipments etc and if necessary the Trust will sell or rent the properties. af. The society reserves the right to undertake any other activity related to rural as well as urban development, which concerns the development of people in its work area. OFSURA is a developmental agency with a focus to make the most of its resources, clearly defined objectives and a consistent approach to its work. It concentrates on selected issues in health, education, social justice, cultural, economical, infrastructural development both rural and urban development and the strengthening of civil society. Within its thematic areas of interest, OFSURA looks for innovative approaches to generic problems. Projects are designed to be learning experiences that contribute to the understanding of complex issues and identify solutions that can be adapted to conditions in many different regions. Replicability is essential to the creation of useful models. Wherever appropriate, approaches are tested in urban as well as rural settings, and in different cultures and geographic environments. It is equally committed to bringing valuable lessons to the attention of policymakers and others whose decisions affect the lives of the poor. The Foundation shares what it learns with the public, raising awareness of important issues facing disadvantaged sectors of the international community. • To provide communities with a greater range of choices and the understanding necessary to take informed action. • To put institutional, management and financial structures in place to ensure that programme activities are sustainable without Foundation assistance within a reasonable time-frame. • To make it possible for poor people to act in ways that will lead to long-term improvements in their income and health, in the environment and in the education of their children. • To enable beneficiaries to gain the confidence and competence to participate in the design, implementation and continuing operation of activities that affect the quality of their lives. Building self-reliance and forging new attitudes, skills and organizational abilities take time. The Foundation has the option of making long-term commitments to a particular region or problem.
Name Of NGO | OFSURA |
Address1 | Jorandanuasahi |
Address2 | joranda |
City | Dhenkanal |
State | Orissa |
Pincode/Zipcode | 759014 |
Country | India |
Website |