Medindia » Nutrition Facts » Major Food Brands» NAYA Inc.
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Tip 1 : Try a rice and beans dish with brown rice or use whole-grain couscous, quinoa, or bulgur instead.
Tip 2 : Don�t be misled about which products are whole grain. Read the ingredients list to look for whole grains as the first ingredient.
Tip 3 : What�s not part of the Dairy Group? Foods made from milk that have little or no calcium like cream cheese, cream, and butter.
Tip 4 : Instead of a donut, pick yogurt and fruit for breakfast!
Tip 5 : Check the Nutrition Facts label found on many packaged meats to compare Calories, sodium, and saturated fat.
Tip 6 : While shopping, load up on packages of frozen vegetables. They cook in minutes with little preparation.
Tip 7 : Enjoy eggs as your protein food choice--up to one a day, on average, doesn't raise blood cholesterol levels!
Tip 8 : Eat potatoes with the peel to get more nutrients like fiber, iron and potassium.
Tip 9 : Try growing your own vegetables and herbs. You can start small with a few pots on your balcony or deck.
Tip 10 : Build some meals around plant-based protein sources, such as beans, lentils, tempeh, and tofu.