When to do a Thyroid Peofile Test?

Dietary Modifications after Thyroid Profile Testing

Dietary Modifications to Adapt after Abnormal Thyroid Profile Testing

There are some foods in our diet which can alter Thyroid Hormone levels in our blood. People who are at risk for developing Thyroid hormone imbalance, or who already have Thyroid dysfunction should avoid the following foods in their diet.

Certain foods are called goitrogens because they increase the risk of developing a goiter and must be avoided - These include: cassava, lima beans, linseed, sorghum, sweet potato, cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, rapeseed, soy and millets.

Foods to be Avoided after Thyroid Profile Testing

Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to goiter and must be checked for and treated through diet or supplements- These include: iron deficiency, vitamin A deficiency, selenium deficiency.

Iodine is an important component in the diet, a deficiency of which can cause thyroid dysfunction. It is therefore recommended to include sufficient iodine in the diet. This can now be done easily by using iodized salt.

When is the best time to give a sample of blood for Thyroid Hormone Testing?

It is best to take the thyroid profile test when fasting and the best time would be the first thing in the morning. A random or postprandial estimation may indicate lower TSH level and show a person to be normal when he may actually be having a higher level

Treatment Options for Thyroid Dysfunction

Hypothyroidism - This is when your thyroid gland is underactive and is not producing enough thyroxine(T4). So the treatment involves- Daily synthetic levothyroxine tablet. It is usually to be taken lifelong, dosage may differ according to your requirement. After taking it you will immediately feel better and it even reverses weight gain and high cholesterol due to the disease.It should be taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Hyperthyroidism - Overactive thyroid- Radioactive Iodine, Antithyroid drugs like Methimazole, Beta-blockers to ease symptoms like tremors, fast heart rate, thyroid removal surgery for appropriate patients who cannot tolerate these drugs or pregnant women.

Cost- India- Rs. 400-600

US- $0-35 with insurance, without- $35 for each - TSH, T4 and T3 in an affordable setting.
